How OTs Can Help

In occupational therapy, occupations refer to the everyday activities that people do as individuals, in families and with communities to occupy time and bring meaning and purpose to life. Occupations include things people need to, want to and are expected to do.World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Definition of “Occupation”

The Potential Ability Group’s Occupational Therapists’ (OTs) are able to assess and provide support around all areas of function and occupation. For a list of our services please click here.

Some of the most common occupations our OTs support clients with include:

  • ​Learning and/or participating in the workplace or at school, kindy, childcare or social group.
  • Eating and drinking – both maintaining or developing independence and broadening the variety of intake.
  • Sleeping – promoting healthy sleep practices.
  • Toileting – both maintaining or developing independence and safety, as well as managing continence.
  • Personal Grooming – including both maintaining or developing independence in getting dressed, brushing teeth and hair or bathing.
  • Managing medications – safely and independently or with supports.
  • Play and friendship development – including developing the ability to understand and cope with big emotions.
  • Accessing the community – safely and independently or with supports.
  • Getting and maintaining employment.
  • Coping with sensory preferences in different environments – work, school, home, community events.
  • Engaging in routines – cooking, cleaning, shopping, washing, going to the movies.
  • Transport – developing skills utilising public transport or accessing supports
  • Participating in group activities.
  • Writing, drawing or other fine motor tasks.
  • Gross motor skills including playing sports.